Easy Nacho – Casserole Recipe

 Nacho – casserole

delicious dinner after a stressful day or for a cozy TV/game evening.

Ingredients for, 

½ package Nacho(s) of your choice

8th cherry tomato(s)

1 Avocado(s), ripe

½ glass Sauce (salsa) of your choice

some oil

150g Ground beef

some tomato paste

 salt and pepper

100 g cheese, grated

1 mug sour cream


Working time about 15 minutes

Total time about 15 minutes

Place the nachos in a casserole dish and form a small edge so that the filling does not spill out in the middle later. Wash the Cherry tomatoes and avocado and cut into pieces, mix with the salsa.

Fry the minced meat in the oil until crumbly, add the tomato paste and sauté. Season with salt and pepper. Mix the ground beef with the vegetables and salsa and spread over the nachos.

Sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in the oven at approx. 200°C for 10 - 15 minutes. I turn on the grill in the last few minutes so that the cheese also browns nicely.

We serve it in a Casserole dish, so everyone can pick out the nachos with their fingers. Of course, you can also split it up on plates.

Put the sour cream on the table and put a dollop on top of each nacho. That gives the last freshness kick. A delicious and simple meal after a stressful day or great for social gatherings with friends.


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