Best Hot Dog Recipe

Homemade hot dog

Compose your own homemade hot dogs. With my recipe, you can bake homemade buns or buy bread to go with hot dogs and choose your favorite toppings. I invite!

- super fast food for every occasion

- a lot of tips and suggestions for ingredients

- a great quick dish for any family event

Preparation time: 30 minutes

Servings: 10 hot dogs

Calories in kcal: 420 in 1 hot dog


• hot dog buns - 10 pieces

• 10 of your favorite frankfurters or oblong sausages

• pickled cucumber, canned or fresh

• romaine, iceberg or rocket lettuce

• a piece of red or white onion

• a medium-sized tomato

• other additives: roasted onion, ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise

 Homemade hot dog Making process:

To make a homemade hot dog you need a long bun. Typically, wheat rolls are used without additives or sprinkled with light sesame seeds. There are a lot of different buns available in stores, which are dedicated to preparing hot dogs. You can also buy plain, oblong wheat buns at the bakery or bake homemade hot dog buns. I recommend my proven recipe.

Hot dog buns can be lightly grilled before use. If you use a special toaster, you can cut them first and spread them out so that they are roasted inside and out.

 Cut the hot dog buns in half, but don't cut the buns all the way through to make two separate sandwiches. Open each bun so you can put the toppings in. The most important ingredient in any hot dog is a wiener or oblong sausage. Sausages/Vienna sausages are the best with hot dogs. They are thin, steamed sausages. Traditionally, they are made of pork and beef in a sheep intestine casing. They are then smoked at a low temperature. You can also buy and use frankfurter sausages made from pork or any other sausage. In the version for vegetarians, vegetarian sausages based on plant ingredients are available. Sausages or sausages can be slightly heated in boiling water before being placed in a bun or grilled in a dry frying pan on a low burner or on a grill.

 My favorite additions to hot dogs are romaine lettuce or arugula, thinly sliced ​​red onion and pickled cucumbers and ripe red raspberry tomatoes.

 I put some lettuce in the cut bun and bread first. Next, I also put steamed or grilled sausage or frankfurter. On the sides I put a few slices of pickled cucumbers and slices of tomatoes. In addition, a bit of red onion and roasted onion (if I have such a home-made onion at hand). I pour ketchup on homemade hot dogs before serving. Sometimes I add mustard and mayonnaise.

 Tip: The tomato can be omitted, and pickled cucumbers can be replaced with fresh or pickled cucumbers. Instead of roasted onions, nicely fried slices of bacon are great, which can be cut into smaller pieces before adding to the hot dog. To spice up hot dogs, I recommend adding jalapeƱos or chili peppers. You can also add grated cheese, olives, sauerkraut or sprouts to hot dogs.

What are your favorite hot dog toppings?

Enjoy your meal.

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